Château Narbonnaise de Toulouse (
Castèl de Tolosa)
Like most towns, Toulouse was defended by city walls with a seigniorial
castle providing a second line of defence.
The castle of the Counts of Toulouse was on the west side of the
city, and known as the Château Narbonnais.
The City was repeatedly besieged, and repeatedly withstood the
Catholic Crusaders, though it had to be surrendered under treaties
of surrender.
On 12th September 1217 Raymond VI of Toulouse re-entered the City
of Toulouse to the delight of the population, trapping Simon
de Montfort's wife family within the Château Narbonnais.
Simon himself died here the following year while besieging the
city for a third time - to the great rejoicing of the population..
The Château Narbonnais survived the Crusades but was dismantled
in 1549. The Palais de Justice now stands on the site. Archaeological
excavations have revealed some of the foundations of the old Counts'
Chateau. You can find much of the city's history commemorated by
art in the Capitol in the heart of Toulouse.
Some key events during the Wars against the Cathars were:
16th to 29th of June 1211. Simon
de Montfort besieges the City
of Toulouse, without success.
May 1215. Surrender of the City
of Toulouse to Simon
de Montfort.
Early September to October 1216. Popular Uprising in the
of Toulouse against the occupying forces, when Simon
12th September 1217. Raymond VI of Toulouse re-enters the City
of Toulouse over the Bazacle (the ancient ford over the Garonne)
to the delight of the population. Simon
de Montfort's family are trapped within the Château
13th September 1217 to 22 July 1218. Second Siege of the
of Toulouse. Stung by the humiliation of losing Toulouse,
de Montfort besieges the city again, without success. He dies
during the siege, on 25th June 1218, hit on the head by a stone
from a trebuchet, to the great rejoicing of the besieged, and
the whole of the Midi.
16th of June - 1st of August 1219. Third Siege of the
of Toulouse, this time by Prince Louis, the future French
King Louis IX (Saint Louis), again without success.
Click here for more about the defence
of Toulouse, 1217-1218
Click here for more about the City
of Toulouse
See separate sections below on:
Address / Maps
/ Location
The Fourth Municipal Seal of Toulouse showing
the Chateau Narbonaise (dexter) and Saint Sernin (sinister)
Excavations at the Château Narbonaise,
James McDonald
Tel from the US: 010 33 468 201142
Tel from the UK: 01 33 468 201142
Tel from France: 0468 201142
Tel other: + 33 468 201142
e-mail castlesandmanorhouses@gmail.com
Google Maps
Small scale map showing the location of Château Narbonnaise |
Google map showing the location of Château Narbonnaise |
Large scale map showing Château Narbonnaise |
The Château Narbonaise was sited by the city walls of Toulouse.
Today the palais de Justice - site of the Parliament of Toulouse
- stand over the foundations of the medieval castle. (and the adjacent
boulevard, Allée Jules Guesde, marks the location of the
old city wall.
Defence of Toulouse 1217 - 1218
After the Battle of Muret (13 September 1213), Simon
de Montfort had taken the City
of Toulouse. He had forced the inhabitants to demolish their
defensive walls so that the city would be indefensible. He installed
himself and a garrison in Raymond's palace, the château Narbonnais
(which survived the Crusades but was dismantled in 1549).
When Simon
de Montfort left Toulouse
in 1216 the population took the opportunity to assert their independence
and welcomed back their Count, Raymond VI. Everyone - men, women and children
set about the job of rebuilding their walls, and worked night and
day to achieve what seemed an impossible task, to make the place
defensible before Simon's return.
By the time Simon came back, the city was strong enough to withstand
his Crusader
army. After almost a year of siege Simon changed tactics and
had build an engine called a cat, designed to claw away the city
walls. The toulousains saw the danger and focused on destroying
the cat. Simon was killed near the porte Montgaillard during a characteristic
act of bravery, defending his cat.
The story is told allegorically in a painting in the Salle des
Illustres in the Capitole (city hall) in Toulouse. Here is a
photograph of the painting:
Defence of Toulouse (La défense de
Toulouse devant Montfort, 1895)
by Jean-Paul Laurens also known as La Muraille
scene is one of frantic activity. The people are putting the finishing
touches to their defences, using the famous pink Toulouse brick
to complete the merlons when there is no more stone.
Left of centre carpenters are working on hoards on towers, such
as you can see today at Carcassonne.
When completed they would have been covered in hides from freshly
killed animals so that it would be difficult to burn them.
Below -
hoards being built at Toulouse.
Right -
a similar structure at Carcassonne

as well as men labour to complete their defences.
Lurking in the clouds is a lion, representing Simon de Montfort,
whose coat of arms features a lion. He is approaching Toulouse.

In the corner of the painting is the following text:
Au loup ! crie une voix.
Tout Toulouse travaille,
Charpentiers aux montants,
Maçons à la muraille ;
Tuiles; terres, briques,
Planches et chevrons
S'entrecroisent sur le rempart,
Nid de frelons
Au loup ! crie encore la voix.
Au nom de la Sainte Croix,
Lâchez vite le mangonneau
Au loup ! La pierre est bien assez ronde,
Elle saura frapper où il faut.
Posez tous sur le levier.
To work! cries a voice.
All of Toulouse works,
carpenters on ladders,
builders at the wall:
Tiles, earth, bricks,
Planks and joists,
Cross each other on the ramparts,
Nest of activity...
To work cries the voice again.
In the name of the Holy Cross,
Let fly the mangonel quickly...
To work! The stone is round enough,
It will know where it has to fall.
Put it in the sling.
the sky a herald blows his horn, signalling a call to arms,
his halo emphasises that his cause is just. His standard bears
the arms of Toulouse removing any doubt as to which side he
might belong to.
In the centre of the piece is a trebuchet (slightly different
from a mangonel), an engine of war used to throw huge stones.
Such engines were used by besiegers to breach city walls,
but also by defenders to destroy the attackers' siege engines
- see right .
This trebuchet would have been used to try to destroy Simon's
cat. In the picture another heavenly figure wearing a halo
points his sword directly at the trebuchet indicating its
significance. This is the trebuchet, operated by ladies, women
and little girls that will kill Simon de Montfort, its massive
stone smashing his helmet and his skull so that he will be
stone dead before his body hits the ground. Perhaps the anonymous
woman in white with her back to us will be the one who fires
the mortal shot - she seems to be practising with the firing
arms of both the House
of Toulouse and the City
of Toulouse flank the painting of the Defence of Toulouse,
emphasising the close partnership between them in repelling the
French Crusaders).
The most striking image is the lion, representing Simon
de Montfort, pierced by a bloody spear, belonging to a lamb,
which represents Toulouse. (see above right)
in the case of the de Montfort lion, the imagery here is drawn from
the coat of arms of Toulouse.
The lamb is a variation of the agnus dei - the Lamb of
God. Normally the lamb carries a flag with a simple cross on
it. In the arms of Toulouse
the flag more closely resembles a spear bearing not just any cross,
but the The
Cross of Toulouse . The standard on top of the lamb's spear
reads Montfort is dead. Long live Toulouse (Montfort est
Mort (in French). Viva Tolosa (in Occitan)).
In the background are the Pyrenees,
a reminder of the allegiances of the
Counts of Toulouse and their allies, whose world was more closely
linked to Aragon
than to France.

Another painting, on the ceiling of the same room, continues the
allegorical theme, following the death of de Montfort.: The
Apotheosis of the Woman who Killed Montfort (L'Apothéose
de la femme qui tua Montfort) by Jean-Paul Laurens
In the bottom right hand corner a figure points at the trebuchet
that killed de Montfort. For the time being at least the war is
over. The merlons of the battlements, built in Toulouse brick, are
battered but recognisable. The wooden hourds have already been removed
- you can see the square holes ("trous de boulon") where
the supporting beams fitted.
The title refers to the apotheosis - the transportation up to heaven
- of the woman who fired the critical shot. She is shown sitting
in a chair, being lifted into the sky, a plain and ordinary figure.
In fact the identity of the person who fired the shot is unknown,
for it could have been anyone of the population of Toulouse,
and in a sense the figure stands for the whole population, not just
of Toulouse, but all Occitania.
Map of Toulouse in 1631 showing the location
of the Château Narbonaise, Toulouse
The old Arms of the City of Toulouse showing
its two main buildings, the Château Narbonaise and Saint
Sernin, along with an anus dei or lamb of God, bearing the
Cross of Toulouse
The arms of the city of Toulouse after it
was annexed to France - the arms of France ancient are added
to the chief of the shield
Raymond VII, Count of Toulouse
Cathedrale de Saint Etienne, Toulouse
A lion, representing de Montfort,
lurking in the clouds
The Capitol, Toulouse
The de Montfort lion is killed by a spear
that features in the arms of the city of Toulouse.
The Apotheosis of the Woman who Killed Montfort
(L'Apothéose de la femme qui tua Montfort)
by Jean-Paul Laurens
The Apotheosis of the Woman who Killed
Montfort (L'Apothéose de la femme qui tua Montfort)
by Jean-Paul Laurens

Today, the spot where Simon de Montfort met
his end is marked by a plaque set into a wall of pink Toulouse
brick (see left). It reads: "Old Montoulieu Gardens - During
the siege of Toulouse in the course of the Albigensian Crusade
Simon de Montfort was killed here in 1218". The last two lines
are a quotation from the
Song of the Cathar Wars, laisse 205, cited above: both
read "now a stone hit just where it was needed" first in French
then in the original
Occitan. This plaque can be found on the outside the théâtre
Sorano 35 allées Jules Guesde (Lat 43.594002,
Long 1.448908)
An older plaque (replaced in the 1966)
from the Muséum d'histoire naturelle, allées
You can join small exclusive guided tours of Cathar Castles
led by an English speaking expert on the Cathars
who lives in the Languedoc
(author of www.cathar.info)
Selected Cathar Castles. Accommodation provided. Transport
Cathar Origins, History, Beliefs.
The Crusade, The Inquisition, and Consequences
the Cathar Tours Website for more information
Saint Sernin, Toulouse
Saint Sernin, Toulouse
Saint Sernin, Toulouse
Saint Sernin, Toulouse
The Capitol, Toulouse
A painting showing Raymond Vi excommunicated.
The Capitouls are still trying to get the excommunication
The Capitol, Toulouse
A painting showing Raymond Vi excommunicated
The Capitouls are still trying to get the excommunication
The Capitol, Toulouse
The Count of Toulouse granted a Great Charter
of Liberties a generation before Magna Carta
The Capitol, Toulouse
The Capitol, Toulouse
The Capitol, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Les Jacobins, Toulouse
Saint Etienne's Cathedral, Toulouse
Saint Etienne's Cathedral, Toulouse
Saint Etienne's Cathedral, Toulouse
Saint Etienne's Cathedral, Toulouse
Saint Etienne's Cathedral, Toulouse
Saint Etienne's Cathedral, Toulouse
Saint Etienne's Cathedral, Toulouse
Toulouse accueille son ancien comte
(Toulouse welcomes its previous Count [Raymond VI]) - 13 Septemer
(The County having been given to Simon de Montfort at the Fourth
Lateran Council in 1215)
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood. |
Le siège de Toulouse (The Siege of Toulouse,
13 Septemer 1217 - 25 June 1218
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood. |
Le siège de Toulouse - detail (The Siege of
Toulouse, 13 Septemer 1217 - 25 June 1218
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood. |
Mort de Simon de Montfort (The Death of Simon de Montfort
- 25 June 1218 - during the siege of Toulouse)
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood. |
Mort de Simon de Montfort - detail (The Death of Simon
de Montfort - 25 June 1218 - during the siege of Toulouse)
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood. |
Mort de Simon de Montfort - detail (The Death of Simon
de Montfort - 25 June 1218 - during the siege of Toulouse)
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood. |
Mort de Raimond VI (The Death of Raymond VI in Toulouse
in 1222)
by Hervé Olivier, Oil on Wood. |
The Siege of Toulouse in 1217-18, according to The Chronicle of
William of Puylaurens
The Chronicle of William of Puylaurens
William of Puylaurens covered events relating to the history of
Languedoc from the twelfth century to the mid 1270s. The main subject
of his history is the Albigensian
Crusade, which lasted from 1209 to 1229.
Along with the Historia
Albigensis by Pierre
Des Vaux-de-Cernay and the Canso
de la crozada by Guillaume de Tudèle [The
Song of the Cathar Wars or the Chanson de la Croisade Albigesoise],
this text is one of the three main contemporary narrative sources
for the the papal wars against the people of the Languedoc known
as the Cathar
Crusade. While the other two accounts come to an end shortly
after the death of Simon de Montfort in 1218, William provides details
about the later years of the Crusade.
William lived from about 1200 to about 1275, and served in the
households of two bishops of Toulouse, as well as Raymond
Count of Toulouse. William gives a more even-handed account
than either of the other two and, in the words of one historian,
his work is "the product an intelligent and reasonable man."
The Sieges of Beaucaire and Toulouse
The extract below begins with the future Raymond
VII, Count
of Toulouse, laying siege to the fortress of Beaucaire
in 1216. Simon
de Montfort hurried there to besiege the besiegers but failed.
Heartened by the success of Raymond
at Beaucaire other towns throughout the Midi revolted against the
French invaders. Among them were the capital city, Toulouse. Simon,
leader of the crusading forces, subsequently began a siege of Toulouse,
which lasted from October 1217 to just after Simon's death during
the siege in July 1218.
This English translation is from The Chronicle of William of
Puylaurens: The Albigensian Crusade and its Aftermath. The translation
is by W.A. Sibly and M.D. Sibly (Boydell, 2003).
Chapter 26: The son of the Count of Toulouse lays siege to Beaucaire,
and is in turn besieged by the Count of Montfort
 So, after his reception by the citizens
of Avignon and the people of Venaissin, the son of the Count of
Toulouse entered the town of Beaucaire in strength, with the support
of the inhabitants, and laid siege to the crusader garrison in the
castle. He invested the castle from all sides, by land and from
the river Rhône, so that no one could leave and no relief
could reach the garrison from outside.
VI, Count
of Toulouse, and his son "Raymondet",
the future Raymond
VII, were on their way back from Rome where they had attended
the Fourth Lateran Council called by Pope
Innocent III. They were greeted with adulation by their subjects
in Provence. Raymond
VI went to Aragon, the eighteen year old Raymondet
to Beaucaire.
 Count Simon [de
Montfort] rushed to besiege the besiegers, but after eating
their horses and running completely out of supplies the garrison
surrendered the castle to their enemies, having received guarantees
that their lives would be spared. As his efforts had come to nothing
Count Simon raised the siege of the town. As a consequence many
who had concealed their opposition to him lifted up their horns,
and numerous strongholds and towns at once joined his enemies.
Click on the following link for a much more detailed account of
the siege
at Beaucaire
For the citizens of Toulouse, whose hostages had already returned
home, as I reported above, refused to submit to masters whose rule
was overweening and took refuge in a form of disobedience. They
bore with difficulty the yoke which undermined the liberty to which
they were accustomed.
The citizens of Toulouse enjoyed far greater liberty under the
of Toulouse than under Simon
de Montfort and his French Crusaders.
Accordingly Count Simon fearful that if he took no steps
to suppress them they would become as a swelling tumour, decided
to oppose them with armed force and punish their arrogance severely.
This was Simon
de Montfort's normal mode of rule. He had on several occasions
taken leading citizens hostage, sometimes using deceit to trick
them into giving themselves into his power.
Chapter 27: The Count of Montfort invades Toulouse, after setting
fire to various parts of the city
So, in the year 1216, the Count entered the Cité with a
large armed force. He started fires in several places hoping that
the citizens would be put in dread by a double storm, of fire and
sword, and thus be more readily thrown into confusion. The Toulousians
met force with force, they placed wooden beams and wine casks in
the streets and repulsed the attackers. All night long they had
no rest from fighting fire or the enemy.
William is describing ordinary citizens trying to fight armed knights,
their troops and professional mercenaries.
In the morning the venerable father Bishop Fulk took with him some
of the citizens, and in the hope of adverting the impending dangers,
mediated between the two parties to secure an agreed peace and sought
to blunt the sharp edge of steel with silver. The Count's resources
had been exhausted by the expenditure he had incurred at Beaucaire,
and he had no money. Seizing on this some of his associates, claiming
that it would be of his advantage, urged him to claim compensation
of thirty thousand marks, from the Cité and the Bourg
an amount they could well afford as a means of enabling them
to gain the Count's favour. He willingly fell in with this counsel
of Achitofel, and, blinded by money, did not see the dangers that
might result. For those who gave this advice well knew that levying
this sum would result in much wrong being done, to the community
as a whole and to individuals; this would drive the Toulousains
to aspire to their erstwhile freedoms and recall their former lord.
When the levy came to be collected it was exacted with a harsh and
cruel pressure; not only were pledges demanded, but the doorways
of houses were marked with signs. There were many instances of this
harsh treatment which it would take too long to describe in detail,
as the people groaned under the yoke of servitude.
Bishop Fulk, "Folquet" of Marsielle, Bishop of Toulouse.
William is by no means a partisan of the Count
of Toulouse. We get a fair picture of Simon
de Montfort here. As William says above, even before this, the
people of Toulouse "bore with difficulty the yoke which undermined
the liberty to which they were accustomed."
 Meanwhile the Toulousains engaged
in secret discussion with their old Count [Raymond
VI], who was travelling in Spain, concerning his possible return
to Toulouse, so that their wishes might be fulfilled.
To this day the people of Toulouse
have not lost affection for Raymond
Chapter 28: The elder Count of Toulouse returns from Spain and
regains control of the city
   So in the year 1217, while Count
Simon was engaged in a long struggle with Adhemar of Poitiers on
the east side of the Rhône, the Count of Toulouse took advantage
of the opportunity so created to cross the Pyrenees and enter Toulouse,
not by bridge but by the ford under the Bazacle. This was in September.
He was accompanied by the Counts of Comminges and Palhars and a
few knights.  Few people were aware of his arrival;
some were pleased, others who judged the likely future turn of events
by what had happened in the past, were displeased. Some of the latter
therefore retired to the Château Narbonnais with the French,
others to the Bishop's house or the cloister of St. Stephen or the
monastery of Saint-Sernin; the Count persuaded them to return to
him after a few days, by threats or flattery. The Count Guy, who
was in the area, tried to suppress this latest insurrection by force
but was repulsed and could not achieve his aims.
Click on the following links for more on:
The Château Narbonnais was The Count of Toulouse's castle
& palace at Toulouse.
de Montfort (1166-1229), Lord of La Ferté-Alais, Béthencourt,
Lombers & Castres , brother of Simon
de Montfort. Neither Simon nor Guy was a count, but they were
often called Counts by way of courtesy titles.
In the meantime, whilst Count Simon, currently engaged in besieging
Crest, was being apprised of these events, the citizens began to
cut off access from the Chateau Narbonnais to the Cité, with
pales and stakes, large wooden beams and ditches, starting at the
rampart known as le Touzet and going as far as the rampart of St
James. Count Simon now arrived with Cardinal Bertrand, who had been
sent as legate by the Supreme Pontiff Honorius, attacked the city
with a strong force, but the citizens defended themselves courageously
and his efforts were in vain. Then siege-engines were erected on
all sides of the city, and a bombardment of mill-stones and other
heavy stones was begun.
At this time the Château Narbonnais was outside the city
Cardinal Bertrand - the Pope's legate.
"a bombardment of mill-stones" gives an idea of the size
of the projectiles and the power of the stone-throwing
siege engines
Meanwhile the legate sent Lord Fulk, the Bishop of Toulouse, to
France to preach the cross; with him were others entrusted with
the same mission including Master Jacques de Vitry, a man of outstanding
honour, learning and eloquence, who later became Bishop of Acre
and then a cardinal of the Church of Rome. The lord Bishop of Toulouse
once spoke to me of Master Jacques, who had told him that he had
been enjoined in a dream by a vision of St. Saturnin, the first
Bishop of Toulouse, to preach against his people; he referred the
matter to the Bishop and asked him if there had at one time been
a priest at Toulouse called Saturnin - he had not previously known
Whenever the Crusaders
were losing the Catholic bishops would initiate a new preaching
campaign to attract more Crusaders
from France.
The preaching mission resulted in a great many men taking up the
cross; these came to take part in the siege of Toulouse in the following
spring, and the Bishop returned to the army with them. Count Simon
now donated to the Bishop and his successors as bishops of Toulouse
in perpetuity the castrum of Verfeil, with all the towns and forts
which belonged to it and which contained twenty hearths or less;
the count retained nothing, and imposed only one condition that
if he were ever to become involved in warfare on open ground in
the territory of Verfeil, the Bishop would provide him with one
armed knight.
It was at this time normal for a bishop to hold temporal lordships
and provide "military service" under the feudal system
- then taught to be divinely ordained.
The labour of battle oppressed the besieged and the besiegers alike
throughout the winter, as they fought with siege-engines and the
other instruments of war. Count Simon, now strengthened by the presence
of the newly arrived crusaders, harried his enemies, less by direct
attacks on the walls of the town than by excursions around it (which
the citizens hindered by erecting barriers and digging ditches).
At last it was decided to construct a wooden engine of the type
known as a 'cat', which would enable his men to bring up earth and
wood to fill up the ditches; once the ditches had been levelled
they would be able to engage the enemy at close quarters and effect
an entry into town after breaking up the wooden barriers opposing
Warfare often involved the use of siege engines to breach defensive
One such engine was called a cat
However the Count [Simon] was worn out by his labours, despondent
and weakened and exhausted by the drain on his resources; nor did
he easily bear the prick of constant accusations be the legate that
he was unthinking and remiss. Whence, it is said, he began to pray
to God to give him peace by the remedy of death. One day, the day
after the feast of St John the Baptist, he went into the cat, and
a stone thrown from an enemy mangonel fell on his head; he died
at once. The news reached the citizens inside Toulouse that day,
and they did not hold back from showing their delight by shouts
of rejoicing, whilst on the other side there was great sadness.
Indeed the citizens were in great distress through fear of an imminent
attack; moreover they had few remaining supplies and little hope
of gathering their harvest that summer.
A mangonel
was a stone-throwing
siege engine.
A plaque marks the spot where Simon
de Montfort fell
So, the man who inspired terror from the Mediterranean to the British
sea fell by a blow from a single stone; at his fall those who had
previously stood firm fell down. In him who was a good man, the
insolence of his subordinates was thrown down. I affirm that later
I heard the Count of Toulouse (the last of his line) generously
praise him - even though he was his enemy - for his fidelity, his
foresight, his energy and all the qualities which befit a leader.
This Count
of Toulouse must be Raymond
VII rather than Raymond
VI. Is is plausible that Raymond
would have paid tribute to an exceptionally brave and able
leader like Simon
de Montfort while remaining silent about the equally exceptional
shortcomings of this "man who inspired terror from the Mediterranean
to the British sea"